Admittedly they might have to add in the last season of Inuyasha if they ever do release a dub. But man there is so much they could do with Toonami back. As long as they kept it from going to the crap that was coming out like Naruto, Bobobo,and Zatch Bell. Stuff like that should of been kept on their Miguzi block or whatever it was called. I'd love to see a serious attempt at Toonami back
As a kid, I loved Cartoon Network, and my favorite progam on there was, of course, Toonami. I loved it because of how different it was. It was action packed, it introduced me to anime, I felt as though it treated me, the child viewer, with respect. I watched Toomani when it aired with [adult swim], back when [adult swim] aired Inuyasha at a sensible time, and every night had both anime and comedy shows. But over the years things changed, in a bad way. Nowadays I hate The CN with a passion. Boomerang, the thing that was suppost to be the old shows, never saw it's true potention (least not in my eyes). It showed stuff like Flinstones, when it should have been showing stuff like the original Scooby-Doo. [sdult swim] pushed Inuyasha back to ridiculous times, and then just stopped anime on weekdays and was taken over by some of the least funny, absolute worst shows ever. Toonami went to kid-appeal and T.O.M. got an ugly design. The hologram girl (I don't remember her name, but I do remember loving her) disappeared and in her place was two annoying characters that were just as ugly as T.O.M. Then it was just flat out cancelled. And then the final nail in the coffin, Cartoon Network disappeared altogether, and was replaced by 'The CN'. Which was just a carbon copy of Nickelodean. But recently, some of my love for Cartoon Nerwork has returned. I love Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc. Yeah it's got issues, but it's the closest thing to the original series in a long time, while still being able to reinvent itself. The new Thundercats was the best new show of 2011. Total Drama mocks shows like Jersey Shore and Glee, which is awesome and funny, and its characters make it better than any of those shows could hope to be. [adult swim] started showing some new anime, like Code Geass, which is my fav anime, Gundam 00, and now Durarara!!. Finally I'm starting to trust Cartoon Network again, and if they bring back Toonami, and do it right. I think I will love Cartoon Network again.
In Holland we also had Toonami. But sadly it did not have much of an impact, even though it was awesome. :/
So much awesome. I wish I was there T_T Sadly that wont help me much. Cartoon Network has been a digital channel for 10 years now, and seeing how RTL Z rules the old toonami spot that was the only option left. :(
personally, I think it should start around 4-5 to about 8-9 then later on they can show more adult shows at like 10-12 or so, I think they should also have some kind of "flash black" day, like every/every other wednesday where they show old shows that they had so they don't waste time they could have showing new series/on going, just my opinion
To the guy who suggested Rayearth, very much agreed. THAT'S your "Sailor Moon" vibe, a "magical girl" show that guys can watch as well as girls. However, seeing how little violence there is (you know, for an action show), I'd put it early in the block so early teens can watch it too.
And why is nobody suggesting any action shows that don't come from Japan? Bring back the Masters of the Universe remake. Put on Exo Squad. Heck, put on Justice League or The Batman if you can't get the DCAU version from Disney XD. Toonami had a lot of anime because they put out a lot of action shows, but they used to put on some Western shows, too, not just when Moltar was the host.
It was Blue Sub 6 they had to edit out nudity as the mermaid chick was nude threw out it! Hey, Blue Sub was awesome it was a short OVA/movie! They big problem people tend to have with it was the CGI ships and sea battle with traditional 2D characters. It was one of those animes I loved and was shocked when I bought the unedited DVDs and it turned out it was bloody as hell and that the lead was a heavy smoker. I do agree Outlaw Star was the bomb, man! I loved it and it's been really great if they showed the un-aired episode with the Hot-springs and naked Asia and the mountain full of hot half naked priestesses! Also Rouroni Kentin(sp?) was dropped without I think even finishing its 1st season because they realized it'd be damn near impossible to make it kid friendly. Since the next season would heavily feature a walking burn scab and a transsexual ninja! The closest channel I know of that airs a lot of similar shows to Toonami is the Hub as they show a lot of old cartoons from that time I watch but they show them mostly late at night! Speaking of the Hub maybe they can pay them and be allowed to show like Transformers Prime and other similar shows that would be the stuff on Toonami in the day! I doubt they'd show Beast Machines or Beast Wars since those shows(cough, cough toys, cough) are out of date now! I say they air G-Gudam and that one with the long name like Mobil Suit Gundam 00... something or other! I loved that one's story! I agree bring back YuYu but start from the beginning and keep it going in order! The main thing I want if they bring back old shows but with either new dubs or the unedited dubs from the DVD releases since it will be the late night adult crowd! Add back in the cursing and violence! G-Force would be cewl! Tokko... Blood+ Maybe do the movies every now and then like the DBZ movies and maybe stuff like Vampire Hunter D and/or Akira!? I've seen Slayers and love it too! I've seen some OVAs! I do agree they need to keep FMA as I love that show! It's the only anime still on that i watch!
WHen it came to the Tenchi, I think they should have aired the climactic battle with Kagato
Hopefully, we see Toonami come back Saturday nights in the Fall.
My toonami dream line-up:
10PM: Casshern Sins 10:30PM: Gundam 00 or Gundam AGE 11PM: Naruto Shipuuden Uncut 11:30PM: Chrome Shelled Regios 12AM: Magical Girl Lyrican Nanoha/A's 12:30AM: Tiger & Bunny 1AM: Inuyasha Final ACT 1:30AM: Fushigi Yugi or Magic Knight Rayearth and maybe once a month cutting the line-up for a special movie event.
.\ /. ASTRO BOY GARAGE! Also Slayers isn't a magical girl series. BTW I live in the UK so we get the whole 1 commercial per show thing too ^^. I always thought the fade black thing in American cartoon was just a way to make stuff more dramatic.
I'm 12 and I LOVED Toonami at the very end when it got canceled. That was where I saw DBZ, Transformers Unicron Trilogy I think was on there. It got me into animes like Dragon Crisis(recommended), GaoGaiGar, and Inyuyasha(my favorite at the time)
I remember Toonami most for G Gundam. I was only like 6 and hell I didn't understand the plot in the slightest, but I saw Shining Finger just once and I was sold. I think maybe Gundam Seed or Gurren Lagann might work in a new Toonami. Gurren Lagann just for how over-the-top epic it is, and Gundam Seed for it deep and involving plot, but we would need to skip Gundam Seed Destiny.
yeah i missed yu yu hakusho because my brother doesn't like anime other than dragonball z bleach and naruto those animes so HATRED FOR MY BROTHER i have it all on dvd but I DON'T CARE I WANT MY YYH
I would personally like to see Toonami bring new anime and other action shows, since toonami was MUCH more then just anime, back. I'd also like to see toonami air movies again too. they used to air a movie every friday. though it did get old when they started repeating the dragon ball movies.
but it was pretty awesome! something else i'd recommend is, instead of playing robotech, play the new dub of macross. robotech is what got me interested in toonami, AND anime. but i suspect that macross could be played on cartoon network with just a bit of nudity blurred out here and there.
i'd also would like to see it evolve, with new shows every now and then. like it did originally. also i'd like to see Moltar AND Tom host it. I loved it when it was Moltar hosting! but i also loved Tom. i do really think they need to bring it back to it's roots of action cartoons though. and not just cheaply dubbed anime that are just being aired to be cash cows. that is what killed it the first time.
+ Comments + 34 Comments
Just a day for slayers TJ?! That is not enough!
Admittedly they might have to add in the last season of Inuyasha if they ever do release a dub. But man there is so much they could do with Toonami back. As long as they kept it from going to the crap that was coming out like Naruto, Bobobo,and Zatch Bell. Stuff like that should of been kept on their Miguzi block or whatever it was called. I'd love to see a serious attempt at Toonami back
As a kid, I loved Cartoon Network, and my favorite progam on there was, of course, Toonami. I loved it because of how different it was. It was action packed, it introduced me to anime, I felt as though it treated me, the child viewer, with respect. I watched Toomani when it aired with [adult swim], back when [adult swim] aired Inuyasha at a sensible time, and every night had both anime and comedy shows. But over the years things changed, in a bad way. Nowadays I hate The CN with a passion.
Boomerang, the thing that was suppost to be the old shows, never saw it's true potention (least not in my eyes). It showed stuff like Flinstones, when it should have been showing stuff like the original Scooby-Doo.
[sdult swim] pushed Inuyasha back to ridiculous times, and then just stopped anime on weekdays and was taken over by some of the least funny, absolute worst shows ever.
Toonami went to kid-appeal and T.O.M. got an ugly design. The hologram girl (I don't remember her name, but I do remember loving her) disappeared and in her place was two annoying characters that were just as ugly as T.O.M. Then it was just flat out cancelled.
And then the final nail in the coffin, Cartoon Network disappeared altogether, and was replaced by 'The CN'. Which was just a carbon copy of Nickelodean.
But recently, some of my love for Cartoon Nerwork has returned. I love Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc. Yeah it's got issues, but it's the closest thing to the original series in a long time, while still being able to reinvent itself. The new Thundercats was the best new show of 2011. Total Drama mocks shows like Jersey Shore and Glee, which is awesome and funny, and its characters make it better than any of those shows could hope to be. [adult swim] started showing some new anime, like Code Geass, which is my fav anime, Gundam 00, and now Durarara!!.
Finally I'm starting to trust Cartoon Network again, and if they bring back Toonami, and do it right. I think I will love Cartoon Network again.
**Gundam 00 aired on Sci Fi channel not [as]/ Sorry, that was my f--k up. My memories of Sci Fi's AniMonday must've got thrown in with these memories
I would like Toonami to put Magic Knight Rayearth somewhere if they can fit it in... I would also like Bionix back thank you very much YTV.
id like to see them air some of the marvel animes like wolverine or blade
wouldn't it be great if they'd air subtitled Kamen Rider...
I also suggest...
Gundam Age
Tiger & Bunny
In Holland we also had Toonami. But sadly it did not have much of an impact, even though it was awesome. :/
So much awesome. I wish I was there T_T Sadly that wont help me much. Cartoon Network has been a digital channel for 10 years now, and seeing how RTL Z rules the old toonami spot that was the only option left. :(
Sadly I worry that CN has become the place shows go to die.
May I also suggest:
Ah! My Goddess
Sakura Wars
Crest/Banner of the Stars
Black Blood Brothers
personally, I think it should start around 4-5 to about 8-9 then later on they can show more adult shows at like 10-12 or so, I think they should also have some kind of "flash black" day, like every/every other wednesday where they show old shows that they had so they don't waste time they could have showing new series/on going, just my opinion
To the guy who suggested Rayearth, very much agreed. THAT'S your "Sailor Moon" vibe, a "magical girl" show that guys can watch as well as girls. However, seeing how little violence there is (you know, for an action show), I'd put it early in the block so early teens can watch it too.
And why is nobody suggesting any action shows that don't come from Japan? Bring back the Masters of the Universe remake. Put on Exo Squad. Heck, put on Justice League or The Batman if you can't get the DCAU version from Disney XD. Toonami had a lot of anime because they put out a lot of action shows, but they used to put on some Western shows, too, not just when Moltar was the host.
It was Blue Sub 6 they had to edit out nudity as the mermaid chick was nude threw out it! Hey, Blue Sub was awesome it was a short OVA/movie! They big problem people tend to have with it was the CGI ships and sea battle with traditional 2D characters. It was one of those animes I loved and was shocked when I bought the unedited DVDs and it turned out it was bloody as hell and that the lead was a heavy smoker.
I do agree Outlaw Star was the bomb, man! I loved it and it's been really great if they showed the un-aired episode with the Hot-springs and naked Asia and the mountain full of hot half naked priestesses!
Also Rouroni Kentin(sp?) was dropped without I think even finishing its 1st season because they realized it'd be damn near impossible to make it kid friendly. Since the next season would heavily feature a walking burn scab and a transsexual ninja!
The closest channel I know of that airs a lot of similar shows to Toonami is the Hub as they show a lot of old cartoons from that time I watch but they show them mostly late at night!
Speaking of the Hub maybe they can pay them and be allowed to show like Transformers Prime and other similar shows that would be the stuff on Toonami in the day! I doubt they'd show Beast Machines or Beast Wars since those shows(cough, cough toys, cough) are out of date now!
I say they air G-Gudam and that one with the long name like Mobil Suit Gundam 00... something or other! I loved that one's story! I agree bring back YuYu but start from the beginning and keep it going in order! The main thing I want if they bring back old shows but with either new dubs or the unedited dubs from the DVD releases since it will be the late night adult crowd! Add back in the cursing and violence!
G-Force would be cewl!
Maybe do the movies every now and then like the DBZ movies and maybe stuff like Vampire Hunter D and/or Akira!?
I've seen Slayers and love it too! I've seen some OVAs!
I do agree they need to keep FMA as I love that show! It's the only anime still on that i watch!
WHen it came to the Tenchi, I think they should have aired the climactic battle with Kagato
Hopefully, we see Toonami come back Saturday nights in the Fall.
My toonami dream line-up:
10PM: Casshern Sins
10:30PM: Gundam 00 or Gundam AGE
11PM: Naruto Shipuuden Uncut
11:30PM: Chrome Shelled Regios
12AM: Magical Girl Lyrican Nanoha/A's
12:30AM: Tiger & Bunny
1AM: Inuyasha Final ACT
1:30AM: Fushigi Yugi or Magic Knight Rayearth
and maybe once a month cutting the line-up for a special movie event.
.\ /. ASTRO BOY GARAGE! Also Slayers isn't a magical girl series. BTW I live in the UK so we get the whole 1 commercial per show thing too ^^. I always thought the fade black thing in American cartoon was just a way to make stuff more dramatic.
I'm 12 and I LOVED Toonami at the very end when it got canceled. That was where I saw DBZ, Transformers Unicron Trilogy I think was on there. It got me into animes like Dragon Crisis(recommended), GaoGaiGar, and Inyuyasha(my favorite at the time)
gintama nuff said
then mabyedbz oh yeah ah my godess
I remember Toonami most for G Gundam. I was only like 6 and hell I didn't understand the plot in the slightest, but I saw Shining Finger just once and I was sold. I think maybe Gundam Seed or Gurren Lagann might work in a new Toonami. Gurren Lagann just for how over-the-top epic it is, and Gundam Seed for it deep and involving plot, but we would need to skip Gundam Seed Destiny.
yeah i missed yu yu hakusho because my brother doesn't like anime other than dragonball z bleach and naruto those animes so HATRED FOR MY BROTHER i have it all on dvd but I DON'T CARE I WANT MY YYH
gundam 00 is awesome but honestly i want g gundam thats the one i remember
The funny part is that I was at an anime convention(Anime Detour) when this happened, so this was doubly satisfying.
dont ever call Gigantor crap it was epic ;)
I would personally like to see Toonami bring new anime and other action shows, since toonami was MUCH more then just anime, back. I'd also like to see toonami air movies again too. they used to air a movie every friday. though it did get old when they started repeating the dragon ball movies.
but it was pretty awesome! something else i'd recommend is, instead of playing robotech, play the new dub of macross. robotech is what got me interested in toonami, AND anime. but i suspect that macross could be played on cartoon network with just a bit of nudity blurred out here and there.
i'd also would like to see it evolve, with new shows every now and then. like it did originally. also i'd like to see Moltar AND Tom host it. I loved it when it was Moltar hosting! but i also loved Tom. i do really think they need to bring it back to it's roots of action cartoons though. and not just cheaply dubbed anime that are just being aired to be cash cows. that is what killed it the first time.
man i did like it but i miss good old toonami
lucky in the uk we don't even have adult swim but we did have toonami 5 years ago...
The anime they blurred was Code Geass
Guess what?
Toonami is back bitches!!!!!!!!!/5.26.12 I saw it a few seconds ago on adultswim. I am only 13 but I love toonami!!!!!!
The commercial has the bitches thing expect a lot of swaring this generation of toonami
TJdo you keep forgetting about Voltron And Thundercat use to be on Toonami.
No I want Sekirei both Season 1 and 2... For a girl type show.
On and cartoon network our and have the new Thundercats on the network right now....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ... July 16 th!!!!!!
When are you going to make a new episode?
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